Harry (Jerry Stiller), a recently widowed man in his golden years, has just moved in with his daughter and son-in-law. On his first morning in their home, all he wants is a cup of coffee and his morning newspaper. Instead, he finds himself on a bizarre search through town that leaves him newspaper-less and trapped in the world of modern technology. Directed by Steve Monarque, "Simpler Times" also features a special guest appearance by the other half of legendary comedy duo Stiller & Meara, Anne Meara.
Copyright © MonaVision Films 2021. All rights reserved.
"Simpler Times" festivals and screenings: |
Stay in May Film Festival |
Ocktober Film Festival |
Golden Door International Film Festival Winner, Best Director |
New York State International Film Festival Nominee, Best Short Comedy Majestic Theatre, Albany, NY | July 2016 | nysiff.com |
Nevada International Film Festival Winner, Platinum Reel Award November 2015 | nevadafilmfestival.com |
Orlando Film Festival Cobb Plaza Cinema Cafe, Orlando, Florida October 2015 | orlandofilmfest.com |
HollyShorts Film Festival TCL Chinese 6 Theatres, Hollywood, CA August 2015 | hollyshorts.com |
Columbia Gorge International Film Festival Washougal Performing Arts Center, WA |
Long Island International Film Expo Bellmore Movies, Bellmore, NY July 2015 | longislandfilm.com |
Manhattan Film Festival Award Winner |The Players Theatre, New York, NY June 2015 | manhattanff.com |
Lighthouse International Film Festival Winner, Audience Choice Award, Best Short Film Long Beach Island Historical Museum, Beach Haven, NJ June 2015 | lighthousefilmfestival.org |
New York International Short Film Festival Landmark Sunshine Cinemas, New York, NY May 2015 | nyshortsfest.com |
Robinson International Short Film Competition Finalist | Pittsburgh, PA, May 2015 | jfilmpgh.org |
WorldFest Houston Gold Remi Award Winner, TV Special- Comedy Houston, TX, April 2015 | worldfest.org |
Palm Beach International Film Festival Muvico Parisian 20 at CityPlace, Palm Beach, FL March 2015 | pbifilmfest.org |
Garden State Film Festival Nominee, Best Short Comedy SuperStar Theater, Resorts Casino, Atlantic City, NJ March 2015 | gsff.org |
San Diego Jewish Film Festival ArcLight Cinemas, La Jolla, CA | Feb 2015 | sdjff.org |
Fort Lauderdale International Film Festival Winner, Spirit of the Independent Award Nominee, Best Short Comedy Cinema Paradiso, Ft. Lauderdale/ Hollywood, FL Nov 2014 | fliff.com |
International Family Film Festival Winner, Best Short Comedy Raleigh Studios, Hollywood, CA | Nov 2014 | iffilmfest.org |
Big Apple Film Festival |
Los Angeles International Short Film Festival North Hollywood, CA | July 2014 | lashortsfest.com |
New Jersey International Film Festival Honorable Mention | New Brunswick, NJ | June 2014 |